Uses of Class

Packages that use Series
org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client This is the core package of the library, which includes the Chart and StockChart classes which most applications will want to start with when using Highcharts or Highstock visualizations. 
org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.plotOptions Provides configuration objects that are used to control how each of the different series types will be rendered. 

Uses of Series in org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client

Methods in org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client that return Series
 Series Series.addPoint(Number y)
          Simplest way to add a point using the default options, and setting only the Y value that the point should be rendered at within the series.
 Series Series.addPoint(Number y, boolean redraw, boolean shift, Animation animation)
          Add a point to the series with a specific value on the Y axis, controlling the options on how the change will be drawn to the series.
 Series Series.addPoint(Number y, boolean redraw, boolean shift, boolean animation)
          Add a point to the series with a specific value on the Y axis, controlling the options on how the change will be drawn to the series.
 Series Series.addPoint(Number x, Number y)
          Simple way to add a point using the default options, and setting only the X and Y value that the point should be rendered at within the series.
 Series Series.addPoint(Number x, Number y, boolean redraw, boolean shift, Animation animation)
          Add a point to the series with a specific value on the X and Y axis, controlling the options on how the change will be drawn to the series.
 Series Series.addPoint(Number x, Number y, boolean redraw, boolean shift, boolean animation)
          Add a point to the series with a specific value on the X and Y axis, controlling the options on how the change will be drawn to the series.
 Series Series.addPoint(Number x, Number low, Number high)
          Simple way to add a point using the default options, and setting only the X, Low, and High values that the point should be rendered at within the series (for Area Range charts).
 Series Series.addPoint(Number x, Number open, Number high, Number low, Number close)
          Simple way to add a point using the default options, and setting only the X, Open, High, Low, and Close values that the point should be rendered at within the series (for OHLC charts).
 Series Series.addPoint(Number x, Number open, Number high, Number low, Number close, boolean redraw, boolean shift, Animation animation)
          Add a point to the series with a specific value on the X and Y axis (in OHLC format), controlling the options on how the change will be drawn to the series.
 Series Series.addPoint(Number x, String title, String text)
          Add a point to the series that is to be used as a flag.
 Series Series.addPoint(Point point)
          Add a point to the series accepting the default options on how the point will be drawn.
 Series Series.addPoint(Point point, boolean redraw, boolean shift, Animation animation)
          Add a point to the series with a specific value on the X and Y axis, controlling the options on how the change will be drawn to the series.
 Series Series.addPoint(Point point, boolean redraw, boolean shift, boolean animation)
          Add a point to the series with a specific value on the X and Y axis, controlling the options on how the change will be drawn to the series.
 Series BaseChart.createSeries()
          Create a new data series that can be configured, and then added to this chart instance via the BaseChart.addSeries(Series) method.
 Series[] BaseChart.getSelectedSeries()
          Returns an array of all currently selected series in the chart.
 Series Navigator.getSeries()
          Access the navigator series, to allow for customization via the setPlotOptions(org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.plotOptions.PlotOptions) method.
 Series[] BaseChart.getSeries()
          Return an array of all the Series instances that have been added to this chart (either before or after the chart was rendered), or an empty array if none have been added yet.
 Series BaseChart.getSeries(String seriesId)
          Retrieve the series instance within the chart for the given id, or null if no series exists in the chart with the given id.
 Series Series.hide()
          Hides the series if visible.
 Series Series.removePoint(Point point)
          Remove the point from the series, automatically redrawing the chart using the default animation options.
 Series Series.removePoint(Point point, boolean redraw, Animation animation)
          Remove the point from the series, explicitly controlling whether the chart is redrawn and the details of the animation options.
 Series Series.removePoint(Point point, boolean redraw, boolean animation)
          Remove the point from the series, explicitly controlling whether the chart is redrawn and/or animated or not.
 Series select)
          Select or unselect the series.
 Series Series.selectToggle()
          Select the series if it is currently unselected, or unselect the series if it is currently selected.
 Series Series.setColorByPoint(boolean colorByPoint)
          Convenience method for setting the 'colorByPoint' option of the series.
 Series Series.setIndex(Number index)
          Convenience method for setting the 'index' option of the series.
 Series Series.setLegendIndex(Number legendIndex)
          Convenience method for setting the 'index' option of the series.
 Series Series.setName(String name)
          Convenience method for setting the 'name' option of the series.
 Series Series.setPlotOptions(PlotOptions plotOptions)
          Updates the plot options for this series to reflect the given options.
 Series Series.setPoints( points, boolean redraw)
          Apply a new set of data to a series with the option to redraw the chart.
 Series Series.setPoints(Number[] yValues)
          Apply a new set of data (Y values only) to the series and automatically redraw it.
 Series Series.setPoints(Number[][] values)
          Apply a new set of data to the series and automatically redraw it.
 Series Series.setPoints(Number[][] values, boolean redraw)
          Apply a new set of data to the series and optionally redraw it.
 Series Series.setPoints(Number[] yValues, boolean redraw)
          Apply a new set of data (Y values only) to the series and optionally redraw it.
 Series Series.setPoints(Point[] points)
          Apply a new set of data to the series and automatically redraw it.
 Series Series.setPoints(Point[] points, boolean redraw)
          Apply a new set of data to the series and optionally redraw it.
 Series Series.setStack(Number stack)
          Convenience method for setting the 'stack' option of the series to a number.
 Series Series.setStack(String stack)
          Convenience method for setting the 'stack' option of the series to a string.
 Series Series.setToolTip(ToolTip toolTip)
          Convenience method for setting the 'tooltip' option of the series.
 Series Series.setType(Series.Type type)
          Sets the type of this series (which controls the way the series will be rendered), using an enumeration type in order to ensure a correct value is passed.
 Series Series.setVisible(boolean visible)
          Either shows or hides the series, and then automatically redraws the chart.
 Series Series.setVisible(boolean visible, boolean redraw)
          Either shows or hides the series, and then optionally redraws the chart.
 Series Series.setXAxis(Number xAxis)
          Convenience method for setting the 'xAxis' property of the series to a number.
 Series Series.setYAxis(Number yAxis)
          Convenience method for setting the 'yAxis' property of the series to a number.
          Shows the series if hidden.
 Series Series.update(Series seriesOptions)
          Update the series with a new set of options, automatically redrawing the chart.
 Series Series.update(Series seriesOptions, boolean redraw)
          Update the series with a new set of options.

Methods in org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client with parameters of type Series
 T BaseChart.addSeries(Series series)
          Add the given data series to the chart, using the default options.
 T BaseChart.addSeries(Series series, boolean redraw, Animation animation)
          Add a data series to this chart, controlling the redraw and animation options.
 T BaseChart.addSeries(Series series, boolean redraw, boolean animation)
          Add a data series to this chart, controlling the redraw and animation options.
protected BaseChart.convertSeriesToJSON(Series series)
 boolean BaseChart.removeSeries(Series series)
          Remove the given series from the chart, automatically redrawing the chart after the series has been removed.
 boolean BaseChart.removeSeries(Series series, boolean redraw)
          Remove the given series from the chart, explicitly controlling whether or not the chart will be redrawn after the series is removed.
 Point Point.setDrilldownSeries(Series drilldownSeries)
          Convenience method for setting the 'drilldown' option of the point.
 Drilldown Drilldown.setSeries(Series... series)
          Convenience method for setting the 'series' option of the drilldown.
 Series Series.update(Series seriesOptions)
          Update the series with a new set of options, automatically redrawing the chart.
 Series Series.update(Series seriesOptions, boolean redraw)
          Update the series with a new set of options.

Uses of Series in org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.plotOptions

Methods in org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.plotOptions with parameters of type Series
 T PlotOptions.setLinkedTo(Series series)
          convenience method for setting the "linkedTo" option.

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