Interface SeriesMouseOutEventHandler

public interface SeriesMouseOutEventHandler

An interface that can be used as a callback handler when series mouse out events are fired on the chart. If the PlotOptions.setStickyTracking(boolean) option is true, the mouse out eventd oesn't happen before the mouse enters another graph or leaves the plot area. General usage is as follows:

 chart.setSeriesPlotOptions(new SeriesPlotOptions()
    .setSeriesMouseOutEventHandler(new SeriesMouseOutEventHandler() {
       public boolean onMouseOut(SeriesMouseOutEvent event) {
          Window.alert("Moused out series: " + event.getSeriesName());
          return true;

Author: (Shawn Quinn)

Method Summary
 boolean onMouseOut(SeriesMouseOutEvent seriesMouseOutEvent)
          This method is fired whenever a mouse out event occurs on a series.

Method Detail


boolean onMouseOut(SeriesMouseOutEvent seriesMouseOutEvent)
This method is fired whenever a mouse out event occurs on a series. See the SeriesMouseOutEvent class for more details on the data available when this event is fired.

seriesMouseOutEvent - The details of the event that occurred.
The response to send back to the event handler function

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