Uses of Class

Packages that use SeriesEvent Provides event handler interfaces and access to the raw data of the events that can be triggered on a chart. 

Uses of SeriesEvent in

Subclasses of SeriesEvent in
 class SeriesCheckboxClickEvent
          Provides access to the raw information provided by Highcharts when a user clicks on the checkbox next to a series' name in the chart.
 class SeriesClickEvent
          Provides access to the raw information provided by Highcharts when a user clicks on a series in the chart, including the nearest point to the click.
 class SeriesHideEvent
          Provides access to the raw information provided by Highcharts when a series is hidden in the chart.
 class SeriesLegendItemClickEvent
          Provides access to the raw information provided by Highcharts when a user clicks on the legend item associated with a series.
 class SeriesMouseOutEvent
          Provides access to the raw information provided by Highcharts when a series mouse out event occurs.
 class SeriesMouseOverEvent
          Provides access to the raw information provided by Highcharts when a series mouse over event occurs.
 class SeriesShowEvent
          Provides access to the raw information provided by Highcharts when a series is shown in the chart.

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