Package org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client

This is the core package of the library, which includes the Chart and StockChart classes which most applications will want to start with when using Highcharts or Highstock visualizations.


Interface Summary
ToolTipFormatter An interface that can be used to control the information of the tooltip area to contain custom text or formatting.

Class Summary
Animation A configurable class that can be used to represent custom animation options, which can then be set as the default animation approach for the entire chart via the BaseChart.setAnimation(Animation) method, or just set for certain operations (such as when adding a new point to a series in Series.addPoint(Number, boolean, boolean, Animation).
Axis<T extends Axis> The base class for both the X and Y axis types, which allows for general options to be set via the inherited Configurable.setOption(String, Object) method.
AxisTitle A configurable class that can be used to represent custom title options for an axis, which can then be set on a specific axis (via the Axis.setAxisTitle(AxisTitle) method.) Example usage:
BaseChart<T> The common base class for both Chart types as well as StockChart types.
Button<T extends Button> Configurable class which allows one to control the various options for export buttons.
Chart The main GWT widget that can be constructed and then configured in order to add a Highcharts chart into a GWT layout container.
ChartSubtitle A configurable class that can be used to represent custom sub title options for the chart, which can then be set on the chart (via the BaseChart.setChartSubtitle(ChartSubtitle) method.) Example usage:
ChartTitle A configurable class that can be used to represent custom title options for the chart, which can then be set the chart (via the BaseChart.setChartTitle(ChartTitle) method.) Example usage:
Color Represents a color as either a solid RGB color, an RBG color with an alpha channel, or a gradient of colors.
ColorAxis Provides access to an object that can be used to configure and manage the color axis of the chart.
Configurable<T> A common base class that any of the objects which support configuration options will extend to allow the caller to set the options on them.
ContextButton A configurable class that will allow you to control the export button options of the chart.
Credits A configurable class that can be used to represent custom credits options for the chart, which can then be set on the chart (via the BaseChart.setCredits(Credits) method.) Highchart by default puts a credits label in the lower right corner of the chart.
DateTimeLabelFormats Represents the configuration options available for controlling the way date and time information will be displayed.
Drilldown A configurable class that can be used to drill down into a series or point, the concept of inspecting increasingly high resolution data through clicking on chart items like columns or pie slices.
Exporting A configurable class that will allow you to control the options for exporting module.
Extremes A simple value object that is used to report the current extremes of an axis whenever the Axis.getExtremes() method is invoked (normally after the chart has been rendered).
Frame Provides the option to draw a frame around the chart by defining a bottom, front and back panel.
Frame.FramePanel Inner class to support setting 'frame' attributes in a 3d chart.
Global A configurable class that can be used to globally configure options for Highcharts.
Highcharts A utility class that can be used to globally configure options for Highcharts.
Highcharts.Options A configurable class that can be used to globally configure options for Highcharts.
LabelItem A simple configurable object that can be used to position arbitrary HTML labels anywhere in the chart area.
Lang A configurable class that can be used to globally configure the messages displayed by Highcharts.
Legend A configurable class that can be used to represent custom legend options for the chart, which can then be set on the chart (via the BaseChart.setLegend(Legend) method.) The legend is a box containing a symbol and name for each series item or point item in the chart.
Loading A configurable class that can be used to represent custom loading options for the chart, which can then be set on the chart (via the BaseChart.setLoading(Loading) method.) The loading options control the appearance of the loading screen that covers the plot area on chart operations.
MapNavigation TODO: HIGHMAPS A configurable class that represents the custom map mapNavigation options which can then be set on the chart via MapChart.setMapNavigation(MapNavigation) These options control the look and functionality of buttons that allow panning and zooming on a map.
Navigation A configurable class that will allow you to control the options for buttons and menus appearing in the exporting module.
Navigator The navigator is a small series below the main series, displaying a view of the entire data set.
NoData A set of options for setting the "noData" portion of the chart which represents options for displaying a message like "No data to display".
Options3D The Options3d class represents a set of options for a 3D chart.
Pane A configurable class that will allow you to control the pane options of the charts, which applies only to polar charts and angular gauges.
PaneBackground A configurable class that will allow you to control the pane background options of the charts, which applies only to polar charts and angular gauges.
PlotBand A configurable class that can be used to represent plot bands across an area of the chart, which can then be set on an axis (via the Axis.setPlotBands(PlotBand...) method.) Note that a plot band is a colored band stretching across the plot area marking an interval on the axis.
PlotLine A configurable class that can be used to represent plot lines on an axis of the chart, which can then be set on an axis (via the Axis.setPlotLines(PlotLine...) method.) Note that a plot line is a line stretching across the plot area, marking a specific value on one of the axes.
Point Represents a single data point that can be added to a Series.
Position A configurable class that can be used to represent position options for specific pieces of a chart such as the "drillUpButton" which is related to Drilldown or the NoData text.
RangeSelector The range selector is a tool for selecting ranges to display within a StockChart.
RangeSelector.Button Manages the options for configuring the buttons to show within the RangeSelector of a StockChart.
ResetZoomButton A configurable class that will allow you to control the reset zoom button options of the chart.
Scrollbar A configurable class that can be used to represent custom scrollbar options within a StockChart, which can then be set on the chart (via the StockChart.setScrollbar(Scrollbar) method.) The scrollbar is a means of panning over the X axis of a chart.
Series Manages a data series (and its options) that can then be added to a Chart.
StockChart The main GWT widget that can be constructed and then configured in order to add a Highstock chart into a GWT layout container.
Style A configurable class that can be used to represent custom CSS style options for the chart, which can then be set on various other configuration objects (e.g.
Theme a configurable class that represents a collection SVG and CSS attributes that are used for changing the look of various chart elements that support the setTheme method (e.g.
ToolTip A configurable class that can be used to represent custom ToolTip options for the chart, which can then be set on the chart (via the BaseChart.setToolTip(ToolTip) method.) The tooltip appears when the user hovers over a series or point.
ToolTipData An object that represents the state information that will be passed to any custom ToolTipFormatter to allow for custom strings to be included within the tooltip area.
XAxis Provides access to an object that can abe used to configure and manage the x-axis of the chart.
YAxis Provides access to an object that can abe used to configure and manage the y-axis of the chart.
ZAxis Provides access to an object that can abe used to configure and manage the z-axis of the chart.

Enum Summary
Animation.Easing An enumeration of supported animation easing types, which can be passed to methods such as Animation.setEasing(Animation.Easing).
Axis.TickPosition An enumeration of supported tick positions, which can be passed to methods such as Axis.setMinorTickPosition(Axis.TickPosition) and Axis.setTickPosition(Axis.TickPosition)
Axis.Type An enumeration of supported axis types, which can be passed to methods such as Axis.setType(Axis.Type).
Axis.WeekDay An enumeration of supported week days, which can be passed to methods such as Axis.setStartOfWeek(Axis.WeekDay).
AxisTitle.Align An enumeration of supported axis title alignment types, which can be passed to methods like AxisTitle.setAlign(AxisTitle.Align) method.
BaseChart.PinchType An enumeration of supported chart pinch types, which can be passed to the BaseChart.setPinchType(PinchType) method.
BaseChart.ZoomType An enumeration of supported chart zoom types, which can be passed to the Chart.setZoomType(ZoomType) method.
Button.Align An enumeration of supported credits horizontal alignment types, which can be passed to methods like Credits.setAlign(Credits.Align) method.
Button.VerticalAlign An enumeration of supported credits vertical alignment types, which can be passed to methods like Credits.setVerticalAlign(Credits.VerticalAlign) method.
Chart.PanKey An enumeration of the known supported keys which are passed to the Chart.setPanKey(PanKey)used as a "panKey" which, when down, switches from zooming to panning.
Chart.ZoomType An enumeration of supported chart zoom types, which can be passed to the Chart.setZoomType(ZoomType) method.
ChartTitle.Align An enumeration of supported chart title horizontal alignment types, which can be passed to methods like ChartTitle.setAlign(ChartTitle.Align).
ChartTitle.VerticalAlign An enumeration of supported chart title vertical alignment types, which can be passed to methods like ChartTitle.setVerticalAlign(ChartTitle.VerticalAlign).
ContextButton.Symbol An enumeration of supported marker symbol types, which can be passed to methods like ContextButton.setSymbol(ContextButton.Symbol) method.
Credits.Align An enumeration of supported credits horizontal alignment types, which can be passed to methods like Credits.setAlign(Credits.Align) method.
Credits.VerticalAlign An enumeration of supported credits vertical alignment types, which can be passed to methods like Credits.setVerticalAlign(Credits.VerticalAlign) method.
Exporting.Type An enumeration of supported exporting file types, which can be passed to the Exporting.setType(Exporting.Type) method.
Legend.Align An enumeration of supported legend horizontal alignment types, which can be passed to methods like Legend.setAlign(Legend.Align) method.
Legend.Layout An enumeration of supported legend layout types, which can be passed to methods like Legend.setLayout(Layout) method.
Legend.VerticalAlign An enumeration of supported legend vertical alignment types, which can be passed to methods like Legend.setVerticalAlign(Legend.VerticalAlign) method.
MapNavigation.AlignTo An enumeration of supported 'alignTo' values, which can be passed to the method ButtonOptions#setAlignTo(org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.MapNavigation.AlignTo)
PaneBackground.Shape An enumeration of the available shapes for the pane background.
PlotLine.DashStyle An enumeration of supported dash style types, which can be passed to the PlotLine.setDashStyle(DashStyle) method.
RangeSelector.Align An enumeration of supported range selector horizontal alignment types, which can be passed to methods like RangeSelector.setInputPositionAlign(org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.RangeSelector.Align) method.
RangeSelector.ButtonType An enumeration of supported range selector button types, which can be used with the RangeSelector.Button.setType(RangeSelector.ButtonType) method.
RangeSelector.VerticalAlign An enumeration of supported range selector vertical alignment types, which can be passed to methods like Credits.setVerticalAlign(Credits.VerticalAlign) method.
ResetZoomButton.RelativeTo An enumeration of the supported frames that the reset zoom button's position can be relative to.
Series.Type An enumeration of supported series types, which can be passed to methods such as Series.setType(org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.Series.Type) or BaseChart.setType(org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.Series.Type).
XAxis.TickmarkPlacement An enumeration of supported tickmark placements for when categories are in use, which can be passed to the XAxis.setTickmarkPlacement(XAxis.TickmarkPlacement) method.

Package org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client Description

This is the core package of the library, which includes the Chart and StockChart classes which most applications will want to start with when using Highcharts or Highstock visualizations.

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