Uses of Class

Packages that use Animation
org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client This is the core package of the library, which includes the Chart and StockChart classes which most applications will want to start with when using Highcharts or Highstock visualizations. 
org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.plotOptions Provides configuration objects that are used to control how each of the different series types will be rendered. 

Uses of Animation in org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client

Methods in org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client that return Animation
 Animation Animation.setDuration(Number duration)
          Convenience method for setting the 'duration' option of the animation.
 Animation Animation.setEasing(Animation.Easing easing)
          Convenience method for setting the 'easing' option of the animation.
 Animation Animation.setEasing(String easing)
          Convenience method for setting the 'easing' option of the animation.

Methods in org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client with parameters of type Animation
 Series Series.addPoint(Number y, boolean redraw, boolean shift, Animation animation)
          Add a point to the series with a specific value on the Y axis, controlling the options on how the change will be drawn to the series.
 Series Series.addPoint(Number x, Number y, boolean redraw, boolean shift, Animation animation)
          Add a point to the series with a specific value on the X and Y axis, controlling the options on how the change will be drawn to the series.
 Series Series.addPoint(Number x, Number open, Number high, Number low, Number close, boolean redraw, boolean shift, Animation animation)
          Add a point to the series with a specific value on the X and Y axis (in OHLC format), controlling the options on how the change will be drawn to the series.
 Series Series.addPoint(Point point, boolean redraw, boolean shift, Animation animation)
          Add a point to the series with a specific value on the X and Y axis, controlling the options on how the change will be drawn to the series.
 T BaseChart.addSeries(Series series, boolean redraw, Animation animation)
          Add a data series to this chart, controlling the redraw and animation options.
 Point Point.remove(boolean redraw, Animation animation)
          Remove the point from the series, explicitly controlling whether the chart is redrawn and the details of the animation options.
 Series Series.removePoint(Point point, boolean redraw, Animation animation)
          Remove the point from the series, explicitly controlling whether the chart is redrawn and the details of the animation options.
 Drilldown Drilldown.setAnimation(Animation animation)
          Convenience method for setting the 'animation' option of the drilldown.
 T BaseChart.setAnimation(Animation animation)
          Convenience method for setting the 'animation' options of the chart.
 T Axis.setExtremes(Number min, Number max, boolean redraw, Animation animation)
          Set the minimum and maximum of the axes after render time, controlling the redraw and animation options.
 ColorAxis ColorAxis.setMarkerAnimation(Animation markerAnimation)
          Convenience method for setting the 'markerAnimation' option of the map.
 Legend Legend.setNavigationAnimation(Animation animation)
          Convenience method for setting the "animation" option for the legend navigation.
 T BaseChart.setSize(int width, int height, Animation animation)
          Updates the size of the chart to match the given width and height, allowing for custom control over how the animation will be resized.
 Point Point.slice(boolean sliced, boolean redraw, Animation animation)
          Slice out or set back in a pie chart slice, controlling whether or not the chart will be automatically redraw or not.
 Point Point.sliceToggle(boolean redraw, Animation animation)
          Toggle slicing out or set back in a pie chart slice, controlling whether or not the chart will be automatically redraw or not.
 Point Point.update(Point pointOptions, boolean redraw, Animation animation)
          Update the point with the new values and options from the given point, specifying if the chart should be automatically redrawn and animated or not.

Uses of Animation in org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.plotOptions

Methods in org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.plotOptions with parameters of type Animation
 T PlotOptions.setAnimation(Animation animation)
          Convenience method for setting the 'animation' plot option, controlling the details of the animation more precisely.
 T BaseMapOptions.setNormalStateAnimation(Animation normalStateAnimation)
          Convenience method for setting the 'animation' option of the select state.

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