Uses of Class

Packages that use Color
org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client This is the core package of the library, which includes the Chart and StockChart classes which most applications will want to start with when using Highcharts or Highstock visualizations. 
org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.plotOptions Provides configuration objects that are used to control how each of the different series types will be rendered. 

Uses of Color in org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client

Methods in org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client that return Color
 Color Color.addColorStop(double offset, int r, int g, int b)
          Adds the specified color at some position within the gradient (to be used in conjunction with the setLinearGradient(double, double, double, double) method or another one of its overloaded variants.)

Example which sets the background color to a linear gradient from white to blue:

 Color Color.addColorStop(double offset, int r, int g, int b, double a)
          Adds the specified color at some position within the gradient allowing for the color to be specified with an alpha channel (to be used in conjunction with the setLinearGradient(double, double, double, double) method or another one of its overloaded variants.)

Example which sets the background color to a linear gradient from solid white to a 50% opaque blue:

 Color Color.addColorStop(double offset, String rgbHexColor)
          Adds the specified color at some position within the gradient (to be used in conjunction with the setLinearGradient(double, double, double, double) method or another one of its overloaded variants.)

Example which sets the background color to a linear gradient from white to blue:

 Color Color.setLinearGradient(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2)
          Sets up this color as a linear gradient from one location in space to another, specifying the coordinates in percentages of the space the gradient will fill.
 Color Color.setLinearGradient(int x1, int x2, int y1, int y2)
          Sets up this color as a linear gradient from one location in space to another, specifying the coordinates in pixels.
 Color Color.setLinearGradient(String x1, String x2, String y1, String y2)
          Sets up this color as a linear gradient from one location in space to another.

Methods in org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client with parameters of type Color
 ToolTip ToolTip.setBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'backgroundColor' option for the tool tips to a gradient or color with an alpha channel .
 PaneBackground PaneBackground.setBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'backgroundColor' option of the pane's background, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 T BaseChart.setBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'backgroundColor' option of the chart, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 ToolTip ToolTip.setBorderColor(Color borderColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'borderColor' option for the tool tips to a gradient or color with an alpha channel .
 PaneBackground PaneBackground.setBorderColor(Color borderColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'borderColor' option of the pane's border, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 T BaseChart.setBorderColor(Color borderColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'borderColor' option of the chart, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 PlotLine PlotLine.setColor(Color color)
          Convenience method for setting the 'color' option of the plot line, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 PlotBand PlotBand.setColor(Color color)
          Convenience method for setting the 'color' option of the plot band, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 Frame.FramePanel Frame.FramePanel.setColor(Color color)
          Convenience method for setting the 'color' attribute of a panel.
 ColorAxis ColorAxis.setGridLineColor(Color gridLineColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'gridLineColor' option of the map.
 ColorAxis ColorAxis.setLineColor(Color lineColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'lineColor' option of the map.
 ColorAxis ColorAxis.setMarkerColor(Color color)
          Convenience method for setting the 'markerAnimation' option of the map.
 ColorAxis ColorAxis.setMaxColor(Color maxColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'maxColor' option of the map.
 ColorAxis ColorAxis.setMinColor(Color minColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'minColor' option of the map.
 ColorAxis ColorAxis.setMinorGridLineColor(Color minorGridLineColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'minorGridLineColor' option of the map.
 ColorAxis ColorAxis.setMinorTickColor(Color minorTickColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'minorTickColor' option of the map.
 Legend Legend.setNavigationActiveColor(Color activeColor)
          Convenience method for setting the "activeColor" option for the legend navigation.
 Legend Legend.setNavigationInactiveColor(Color inactiveColor)
          Convenience method for setting the "inactiveColor" option for the legend navigation.
 T BaseChart.setPlotBackgroundColor(Color plotBackgroundColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'plotBackgroundColor' option of the chart, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 T BaseChart.setPlotBorderColor(Color plotBorderColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'plotBorderColor' option of the chart, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 T BaseChart.setSelectionMarkerFill(Color selectionMarkerFill)
          Convenience method for setting the 'plotBackgroundColor' option of the chart, allowing for colors with opacity.
 ColorAxis ColorAxis.setTickColor(Color tickColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'tickColor' option of the map.

Uses of Color in org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.plotOptions

Methods in org.moxieapps.gwt.highcharts.client.plotOptions with parameters of type Color
 T BaseGaugePart.setBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor)
          Convenience method for setting the "backgroundColor" option for a gauge's pivot.
 TreemapPlotOptions.Level TreemapPlotOptions.Level.setBorderColor(Color borderColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'borderColor' option of the level.
 T BaseProportionalPlotOptions.setBorderColor(Color borderColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'borderColor' option of the pie plot options, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 T BaseGaugePart.setBorderColor(Color borderColor)
          Convenience method for setting the "borderColor" option for a gauge's pivot.
 T BaseColumnPlotOptions.setBorderColor(Color borderColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'borderColor' option of the column plot options, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 BarPlotOptions BarPlotOptions.setBorderColor(Color borderColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'borderColor' option of the bar plot options, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 Zone Zone.setColor(Color color)
          Convenience method for setting the 'color' option of the zone.
 TreemapPlotOptions.Level TreemapPlotOptions.Level.setColor(Color color)
          Convenience method for setting the 'color' option of the level.
 T PlotOptions.setColor(Color color)
          Convenience method for setting the 'color' plot option to a gradient or color with an alpha value.
 Zone Zone.setFillColor(Color fillColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'fillColor' option of the zone.
 Marker Marker.setFillColor(Color fillColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'fillColor' option of the markers, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 FlagPlotOptions FlagPlotOptions.setFillColor(Color fillColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'fillColor' option of the flag, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 T BaseStatisticalPlotOptions.setFillColor(Color fillColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'fillColor' option of the box plot options, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 T BaseAreaSplinePlotOptions.setFillColor(Color fillColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'fillColor' option of the area plot options, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 T BaseAreaPlotOptions.setFillColor(Color fillColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'fillColor' option of the area plot options, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 Marker Marker.setLineColor(Color lineColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'lineColor' option of the markers, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 FlagPlotOptions FlagPlotOptions.setLineColor(Color lineColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'lineColor' option of the flag, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 T BaseAreaSplinePlotOptions.setLineColor(Color lineColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'lineColor' option of the area plot options, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 T BaseAreaPlotOptions.setLineColor(Color lineColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'lineColor' option of the area plot options, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 T BaseStatisticalPlotOptions.setMedianColor(Color medianColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'medianColor' option of the box plot options, allowing for colors with opacity or gradients.
 PlotOptions PlotOptions.setNegativeColor(Color negativeColor)
          Convenience method for setting the "negativeColor" option for the plot options.
 T BaseAreaPlotOptions.setNegativeFillColor(Color negativeFillColor)
           areaPlotOptions.setOption("negativeFillColor", new Color() .setLinearGradient(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0) .addStop(new Color(255, 255, 255)) .addStop(new Color(200, 200, 255)) );
 T BaseStatisticalPlotOptions.setStemColor(Color stemColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'stemColor' option of the box plot options.
 WaterfallPlotOptions WaterfallPlotOptions.setUpColor(Color upColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'upColor' plot option to a gradient or color with an alpha value.
 T BaseStatisticalPlotOptions.setWhiskerColor(Color whiskerColor)
          Convenience method for setting the 'whiskerColor' option of the box plot options.

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