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GWT Highcharts

GWT Highcharts Highcharts is a freely available open source library that provides an elegant and feature complete approach for including Highcharts and Highstock visualizations within a GWT application using pure Java code (including GWT widget libraries, such as SmartGWT, GXT or Ext GWT.)

Using GWT Highcharts allows for web applications to provide charting visualizations through pure Java code in a fashion that is compatible with all browser types (requiring no use of third-party plugins), and allows for the charts to be dynamically updated based on user or system events - making them perfect for highly interactive GWT applications.

GWT Highcharts

GWT Uploader

GWT Uploader is a freely available open source GWT library that encapsulates the file upload capabilities provided by the File and XMLHttpRequest Level 2 APIs as well as the SWFUpload library.

Using GWT Uploader allows for enhanced file upload dialogs (multiple uploads, drag and drop, queues, parallel streams, etc.) and interactive interfaces (upload progress indicators, real-time throughput display, upload cancellation, etc.) within GWT applications using pure Java code that provides a consistent experience across all browsers.

GWT Uploader

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